Thursday, December 2, 2010

My 20th birthday

Is another year again...
Wat makes the different today..
1st I received over hundred wishes from u ppl on the Facebook..
2nd I will not get good performance for my practical, same as previous year..
3rd go and hv dinner with my roomate..candle night dinner... Haha
4th during worship, all the student sing birthday songs for me and prayed for me.... (very paiseh la... Buat bodoh in front) anyway thank you for the prayer
5th I got a necklace from my housemate yene and suet Chen...
6th I got my delivery baskin robin... As my cake, my lame lame junior put a candle on it and again she sing birthday song for me... Wat a special ways of celebration.... Wakaka...
7th hahaha.. Actually all my beloved friends were not forgetting me... Hehehe... I got a birthday cake! Is chocolate plus cheese cake... Emm... A little bit touch lo... Again another birthday song...
So today I got three birthday songs!!!!
Today it may be a precious day for me... But then for someone it may be a bad day... My Mak Pian uncle pass away today... He was my patient before... He is cute and is already very very old man with only spoke Cantonese... May he rest in peace....

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